Thursday, July 23, 2009

Needing an outlet!

I have been inspired by my good friend Lucy.
She has this awsome blog, that is well written, funny and gives her far away friends a chance to keep up to date with her crazy life.
I also need an outlet for the creative part of my brain which sometimes gets lost and is left unused thanks to my busy life as soon to be wife, working mom, house and dog owner, daughter, sister and friend. Just to mention a few of my roles as there are many sub roles to each of those.

I have always wanted to be something in hollywood! Sometimes it is an actress, sometimes a singer or dancer, or just a rich person who is in on the scene. I know this fantasy will never be fullfilled. Regardless, I like to sing in my undies while cleaning the house. I love to pretend I can dance while doing the aformentioned singing. When I read a book I think about being one of the characters in the book if they ever make it into a movie. I know it is all silly but it is an outlet for me that I have been squashing a little too much lately cause I am too busy or maybe my spouse or kids will think I am nuts. I have decided that I need not to care about that and let loose a little or I am gonna go crazy.
Gotta go change a poopy bum now, but will do so while singing to myself:)

1 comment:

  1. I just found this!! Hooray Dana for starting a blog - but boo for only having one post that's nearly a year old! Hope to read more - I am your first fan after all!
